In November and December 2020, the ECOFEL delivered a Strategic Analysis Learning Plan to FIUs in the Western Balkans region. This was the first online Learning Plan developed by the ECOFEL with a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning.
The learning plan comprised of the Introduction to Strategic Analysis eLearning Course, four live webinars conducted by seasoned experts in the production of strategic analysis, as well as assignments and the production of a strategic analysis project.
Congratulations to the first generation of FIU analysts from Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia for completing this Learning Plan. Likewise, the ECOFEL wants to express our appreciation to the partners that facilitated the subject matter experts to develop the content and conduct the live webinars. Thank you to FIU Moldova, FIU Trinidad and Tobago, and Department against Transnational Organized Crime (DTOC- OAS). Last but not least, the ECOFEL would like to warmly thank our implementing partners in the Western Balkans region, the Global Program Combating Illicit Financial Flows of GIZ.