Financial Intelligence Compendium

Financial Intelligence Compendium

This week, the ECOFEL will be collaborating with the World Customs Organization (WCO) to host the second installment of the “Financial Intelligence Compendium” workshop for FIUs and customs authorities in the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units Americas region from February 27th to March 1st in Lima, Peru.

Cross-border financial transactions are at an all-time high, which presents serious challenges for FIUs, customs authorities and law enforcement authorities in the global AML-CFT structure. The ECOFEL and WCO remain committed to continuing to tackle these challenges through implementing training programs, such as the “Financial Intelligence Compendium” workshop, to promote close and effective cooperation between customs authorities and FIU worldwide in the fight against transnational organized crime and terrorism.

We look forward to the opportunities this training will bring to the FIUs and Customs authorities in the EG’s Americas region.